Interview Questions on Javascript

Quick Questions to check basic conceptual knowledge.

Question 1

Given an string print the characters with their number of occurrences
Input : aaccceezzzzqaaa
Output : a2c3e2z4q1a3

The simplest way to write a code for this scenario is, using a nested for loop. Check each character’s occurrences within a string, keep a counter of the same and store either as a key value pair or append in a string (as shown below). This concept is a general one and can be used across any language.


	let input = 'aaccceezzzzqaaa';
	let length = input.length;
	let count;
	let output = '';

	console.log('Given an string print the characters with their number of occurrences');
	console.log('Input : ' + input);

	for(a=0; a<length; a++) {
		count = 1;
		for(b=a+1; b<length; b++) {
			if (input.charAt(b) === input.charAt(a)) {
				if (b === length - 1) {
					a = length;
			} else {
				output = output + input.charAt(a) + count;
				a = b - 1;
				b = length;
	output = output + input.charAt(length-1) + count;
	console.log('Output : ' + output);